Perl/Tkx:Tk风格 VS Perl OO 风格

抱雪 posted @ 2012年10月17日 21:30 in Perl , 5839 阅读


What's somewhat scary about the Tkx module is that it implements all of this on a purely syntactic level. That is, it has no clue about buttons and entries and grid. It just knows that if it sees a method "new_something" it's creating a widget using the Tcl command "something", or if you call a method "g_otherthing", that it's going to invoke a Tcl command "otherthing", and pass the widget pathname associated with the object as a first parameter (followed by any other parameters passed to the method).

Tcl 命令 "somwthing" 写成 $父元件->new_something,也可以用 g_something(pathname)

It's this pure syntactic mapping which gives Tkx its power and amazing brevity (check out the code in!). It also explains why it can automatically track any changes in Tk. Any new commands and options don't need to be explicitly implemented in Tkx code; they are automatically available just by using the right syntax.

Now let's talk about those underscores in the Tkx commands and method names. If you've glanced at the Tcl version of the code in this tutorial, you know that they can take several forms, i.e.

  • a single toplevel command, like "grid"
  • a multi-word command (called an ensemble in Tcl), e.g. "wm title"
  • a command in a namespace, e.g. "ttk::button"
  • a single toplevel command with underscores, e.g. "tk_messageBox"

No translations are needed for simple commands like "grid", but the others need to be tweaked. To translate these into Perl, Tkx uses underscores in the following way:

  • a single underscore is replaced with a space, e.g. "wm_title" in Perl becomes "wm title" in Tcl
  • two underscores is replaced with the namespace qualifier "::", e.g. "ttk__button" becomes"ttk::button"
  • three underscores is replaced with a single underscore, e.g. "tk___messageBox" becomes"tk_messageBox"


  • 单个单词命令的不用转换,如 grid
  • 多个单词的命令用下划线连接,如 wm title 写成 wm_title
  • 名称空间的 :: 写成两个下划线,如 ttk::button 写成 ttk__button
  • 一个下划线写成3个下划线,如 tk_messageBox 写成 tk___messageBox


use strict;
use warnings;
use Tkx;
use utf8;
my ($feet,$meters);
Tkx::wm_title('.','Feet to Metes');
Tkx::ttk__frame('.c', -padding => '3 3 12 12');
Tkx::grid('.c', -column => 0, -row => 0, -sticky => 'news');
Tkx::grid_columnconfigure('.', 0, -weight => 1);
Tkx::grid_rowconfigure('.', 0, -weight => 1);

Tkx::ttk_entry('.c.feet', -width => 7, -textvariable => \$feet);
Tkx::grid('.c.feet', -column => 2, -row => 1, -sticky => 'we');
Tkx::ttk__label('.c.meters', -textvariable => \$meters);
Tkx::grid('.c.meters', -column => 2, -row => 2, -sticky => 'we');
Tkx::button('.c.calc', -text => 'Calculate', -command => sub{&calculate});
Tkx::grid('.c.calc', -column => 3, -row => 3, -sticky => 'w');

Tkx::grid(Tkx::ttk__label('.c.flbl', -text => 'feet'), -column => 3, -row =>1, -sticky => 'w');
Tkx::grid(Tkx::ttk__label('.c.islbl', -text => 'is equivalent to'), -column => 1, -row =>2, -sticky => 'e');
Tkx::grid(Tkx::ttk__label('.c.mlbl', -text => 'meters'), -column => 3, -row =>2, -sticky => 'w');

for (Tkx::SplitList(Tkx::winfo_children('.c'))) {
    Tkx::grid_configure($_, -padx => 5);

Tkx::bind('.', '<Return>', \&calculate);

sub calculate {
    $meters = int(0.3048*$feet*10000.0+.5)/10000.0 || '';


use Tkx;

my $mw = Tkx::widget->new(".");
$mw->g_wm_title("Feet to Meters");
my $frm = $mw->new_ttk__frame(-padding => "3 3 12 12");
$frm->g_grid(-column => 0, -row => 0, -sticky => "nwes");
$mw->g_grid_columnconfigure(0, -weight => 1);
$mw->g_grid_rowconfigure(0, -weight => 1);

my $ef = $frm->new_ttk__entry(-width => 7, -textvariable => \$feet);
$ef->g_grid(-column => 2, -row => 1, -sticky => "we");
my $em = $frm->new_ttk__label(-textvariable => \$meters);
$em->g_grid(-column => 2, -row => 2, -sticky => "we");
my $cb = $frm->new_ttk__button(-text => "Calculate", -command => sub {calculate();});
$cb->g_grid(-column => 3, -row => 3, -sticky => "w");

$frm->new_ttk__label(-text => "feet")->g_grid(-column => 3, -row => 1, -sticky => "w");
$frm->new_ttk__label(-text => "is equivalent to")->g_grid(-column => 1, -row => 2, -sticky => "e");
$frm->new_ttk__label(-text => "meters")->g_grid(-column => 3, -row => 2, -sticky => "w");

foreach (Tkx::SplitList($frm->g_winfo_children)) {
    Tkx::grid_configure($_, -padx => 5, -pady => 5);
$mw->g_bind("<Return>", sub {calculate();});

sub calculate {
   $meters = int(0.3048*$feet*10000.0+.5)/10000.0 || '';



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